d a q g D F design by sweet pea (irate shrimp)

2003-01-09 | 8:32 p.m.

I Love How You Accented Your Tumor

People feel really comfortable talking honestly with me.

I hate that about me.

More to the point, people feel very comfortable ruthlessly commenting on my appearance, whether it be a new outfit or haircut. �Did you mean to do that?� is a common enough phrase piercing my fragile ego in the office. I often get, �Are you trying to grow stubble?� to which I can only reply, �Well, no. I was just too damn lazy to shave this morning, but thanks for pointing it out.�

Actuaries have no social skills what so ever.

I�ve been feeling rather fragile about my appearance ever since George decided to take over. He�s the big red tumor growing on my chin. I thought he was a zit, but he won�t pop and every time I look at my face in the mirror, he�s taken over more territory, so I�ve diagnosed him as a tumor for now. George the tumor. This picture doesn�t do him justice, but you can get the idea. He�s got a little friend living by my Adam�s apple which showed up nicely in the photo, I call him (you guessed it) Adam.

I thought this might be a good time to take a cue from Jaycrew2882 and try a new look. So I decided to wear one of my new turtleneck sweaters today to try and hide George and Adam or at least sweat them out, but I have a problem with turtlenecks. They tend to draw attention to my face, which clearly wasn�t meant for having attention called upon, but thanks to a healthy dose of the new antidepressant I�m on, I was willing to give it a shot.

I walked in the office and Robin (I�m Batman, he�s Robin � I�ll explain it another time) saw me out of the corner of his eye as I walked past his cubicle and he exclaimed, �Woah! Look at you!� I have never met a straight man more concerned with hair and clothes than Robin. I once mentioned to him that I liked the sweaters he is always wearing, and ever since he�s been sending me a barrage of emails with links to clothing stores and bringing in mail order catalogs with ideas on how I can spice up my wardrobe. Apparently, he thought the gay guy in the office needed a little help picking out clothes. Jesus, I�ve let the clan down. Sorry fellas.

I knew I had Robin�s full approval when he christened me with my new nickname. Henceforth, I am to be known as Rico Suave.

A few other people gave me some compliments, and I was feeling dead sexy, until I went into Checker�s office to drop off some paperwork. He was talking to his secretary so I thought I was safe doing the quick-drop-off-and-run-outta-the-office-before-he-talks-to-me thing, but as soon as he saw me he cut off his secretary with a hearty laugh and exclaimed with his hands on his belly, �You look like a Norwegan in that sweater!!�

Is that supposed to be some sort of a compliment? What in the hell do Norwegans look like? I stood there not having any idea the answer to that question. I tried but could only think of Chilly Willy the penguin, for whatever reason. Should I smile? Should I be offended? If only he�d said something normal, like �You look like an idiot in that,� I would have felt so much more comfortable engaging him in the conversation. Given our previous conversations, if he�d said what I know was really on his mind, �You look kinda faggy today,� I would have understood completely. As it was, all I could muster up was an awkward string of words as I tried desperately to be neither defensive nor engaging, �Well � it certainly � is � warm.�

There�s another nice article of clothing I�ll be far too self-conscious ever to wear in public again. It�s a shame too, it�s supposed to get cold again later this week, and I was on a turtleneck buying fit when we were in Philadelphia last week.

Celexa, the antidepressant strong enough to let you make bad purchasing decisions with full confidence and wild abandonment of reason.

Now it's your turn... 11 comments so far:

k9642042 -
You look good in that turtle neck. Myself, I prefer the wellbutrin....
aura-chic -
hey... I agree..you do look good in the turtle neck...and you don't give yourself enough credit..you are a good looking guy...that's just my opinion..but yeah I think you are very attractive..and I hope that George and Adam go away soon...
brandone -
What exactly does a Norwegian look like? Your boss sounds like an idiot!
dorkfysh -
honey, Norwegians are GORGEOUS and you look stunning in that sweater.
bettyalready -
I have to say you look wonderful in that swearter. I'd do you. George looks pretty painful. There are these great great pads you stick to zits overnight. Biore has this goop. I don't recommend it since you have to put it on and hold your head a certain way to let it dry. And since the subject of anti depressants is on, I take a lot of Effexor.
betty -
Aaron -
I think you look fine in the turtleneck. I would not worry about George, he'll likely go away soon. You could always go to your docter and ask for some vitamen A gel. That seems to work well.
Chris -
Sweater makes me want to hug you and bury my face in your chest.
Jess -
i've been told castor oil works real well, although i can't back that up w/ any experience. i LOVE the sweater. :) good luck w/ george
Carla -
Hmm, maybe a mock turtleneck would make you look like a mock Norwegian -- uh, nevermind. But George seems to be related to the Pimple from Hell that set up camp on my face before Christmas. It refused to pop and whithered up and flaked off in its own sweet time. Hope George and his little friend Adam do the same and fast! Take care, love!
Mel -
Ya know, I have the same problem with people being completely and utterly honest with me. Sometimes, it gets really really yucky to hear what people are comfortable enough to discuss around me. o.o Most often, tho, I become Mel the sexual/romantic advice helpline. By the by, I'm with everyone else in saying you look tres chic in that sweater. Mrowr.

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