
k9642042 -
You look good in that turtle neck. Myself, I prefer the wellbutrin....
aura-chic -
hey... I do look good in the turtle neck...and you don't give yourself enough are a good looking guy...that's just my opinion..but yeah I think you are very attractive..and I hope that George and Adam go away soon...
brandone -
What exactly does a Norwegian look like? Your boss sounds like an idiot!
dorkfysh -
honey, Norwegians are GORGEOUS and you look stunning in that sweater.
bettyalready -
I have to say you look wonderful in that swearter. I'd do you. George looks pretty painful. There are these great great pads you stick to zits overnight. Biore has this goop. I don't recommend it since you have to put it on and hold your head a certain way to let it dry. And since the subject of anti depressants is on, I take a lot of Effexor.
betty -
Aaron -
I think you look fine in the turtleneck. I would not worry about George, he'll likely go away soon. You could always go to your docter and ask for some vitamen A gel. That seems to work well.
Chris -
Sweater makes me want to hug you and bury my face in your chest.
Jess -
i've been told castor oil works real well, although i can't back that up w/ any experience. i LOVE the sweater. :) good luck w/ george
Carla -
Hmm, maybe a mock turtleneck would make you look like a mock Norwegian -- uh, nevermind. But George seems to be related to the Pimple from Hell that set up camp on my face before Christmas. It refused to pop and whithered up and flaked off in its own sweet time. Hope George and his little friend Adam do the same and fast! Take care, love!
Mel -
Ya know, I have the same problem with people being completely and utterly honest with me. Sometimes, it gets really really yucky to hear what people are comfortable enough to discuss around me. o.o Most often, tho, I become Mel the sexual/romantic advice helpline. By the by, I'm with everyone else in saying you look tres chic in that sweater. Mrowr.

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