d a q g D F design by sweet pea (irate shrimp)

2002-11-24 | 10:06 a.m.

No Pain, No Argument

I tell people that I started knitting because I wanted something to do with my hands when I quit smoking, which is technically true, but like facials, decorating, and perfecting a deliciously flaky pie crust, it�s one of those things that I get to do without shame because I�m gay. I might as well take advantage of it.

Knitting led to cross stitch, which led to beading, which led to my current and most aggravating endeavor, quilting. I am a 26-year-old male quilter. (I don�t care if I am gay, it�s still embarrassing.)

After making a few practice quilts, I took on the hardest pattern I had seen: The Star of Bethlehem. It sounds gentle and non-imposing, doesn�t it? Names can be deceiving. Forget getting a college degree in actuarial sciences, this was far more difficult than anything I�ve ever been delusional enough to try.

And I failed.

I got through almost the whole damn thing, and the corners wouldn�t come together. I was 5 inches short on each corner, which basically led to me calmly stuffing the quilt in the closet for nearly a year and declaring that I never liked that damn quilt anyway. Quilt Shmilt.

Last night, prompted by a comment on my diary by Nividian, I forgave it for being so difficult and for making me feel like a failure. I made peace with it right before I ripped it apart. I actually just needed a few minor adjustments to the border. Check out the pictures (forgetting the fact that I haven�t put the back on and finished the edges or ironed out the wrinkles that a year in the closet is liable to cause):

And check out the troublesome corner. The precision, the beauty, it�s nothing short of a miracle:

I�m not very good at failing, even at quilts. How silly is it that I didn�t make the finalists for that funniest diary entry contest, and I don�t feel like I can write anymore. For the last five days, I tried and couldn�t get half way through a sentence without second-guessing everything I�d just written. Actually, I was in that phase before, now I�m in the vindictive phase and after every sentence I think, �I wonder if the judges will like THAT� bastards.�

It�s not very often that I try and still fail, but when I do, it�s crushing. Just ask SP after I get a failure notice from an actuarial exam, and he has to watch me, unshaven, motionless, and teary eyed, wrapped up in a quilt on the couch for a week straight.

You know those inspirational sayings,

�You win some, You lose some.�

�No pain, No gain.�

�You�ve got to get back up on the horse.�

Fuck those sayings. What Stuart Smalley drone came up with those? I want a new saying,

�You win some, It�s ok to cry a lot if you don�t.�

�No pain, thank god.�

�Shoot the fucking horse already.�

Well, despite the lack of belief in inspirational gobbledy-gook, I think I made a great leap forward in my emotional development yesterday. I may have shot the horse, but I still got back on him and together we rode to Bethlehem.

Now it's your turn... 12 comments so far:

Thatgrrrl -
Wow! That's beautiful! I'm so glad you made peace with the quilt and then made it work out so nicely. Awesome.
bmoviemaven -
you're the poo. i am in fucking awe.
Sweet Pea -
It wasn't one week, it was six. :)
Greglicious -
Celebrate the wonder of Quilting! WooHoo!
Chris -
Whee! I'm good for something! Now I'm not going to sit and eat rice all day in a sulk because my Cozy Christmas quilt isn't working with me. I'm gonna go back in there and beat it's ass into submission! Your SoB looks wonderful! I haven't tried anything that complicated. I hate triangles. I keep ending up with them cuz they're beautiful, but whatever. I've gone a few Trip (around the world) quilts, this Cozy Christmas one, a Rail Fence, a mystery quilt, and my Jewel Box quilt. I think that's it. Maybe there's more. And piffle on your embarrassment. If you can turn out something that good looking, fuck the critics!
beth -
heeey. love the quilt! it rocks. if you want to read my diary just leave me a note and ask for the password and stuff.
Aaron -
Quilting hmmm? Now I don't feel bad about my cake decorating skills! But it is a nice quilt... very nice. Worthy of all the pain and frustration.
Shrimp Sherry aka Mother Shrimp -
This proves once and for all that even if you've stayed in the closet too long you can come out and be a star! Beautiful work!
Carla -
Oooohh, I want to wrap myself up in your quilt and go to sleep. And quit listening to that naggy voice in your head when you feel like writing. I suffered a years-long writer's block because I put up with that bitch of a voice for far too long. And RRRRR -- wish I had one ounce of the talent you've demonstrated in either quilting, decorating, writing, and mathematics. And *sigh*, I am feeling veclempt today. So relax and have some fun for me!
chance -
i like your diary. *heart*
Elaine -
Awww! My mother quilts, but it looks nothing like yours. She had this *fabulous* idea to make a pin wheel quilt with bright orange and camouflage... It's the ugliest thing I've ever laid eyes on. Oh well. If you think being called a quilter is bad, you should think of the pain when you have to go to 'smocking' meetings.
allison -
if you fall off the horse, sue the owner and make him sell the horse on the black market to pay your fees. simple solution to a lifelong problem.

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