d a q g D F design by sweet pea (irate shrimp)

2002-11-07 | 7:38 p.m.

One Brief Flash of Crapitude

Well, the exam went pretty poorly, but the good news is, I was so sad and pathetic afterwards that SP was forced to give me one of my birthday presents a week early to get me to stop sobbing.

Guess who has a new digital camera to play with?!

Now I can finally put pictures up of my babies, Myra and Talula. Sorry Saranade, it�s very sweet of you to offer to have my babies, but these two wouldn�t stand for the competition for Daddy�s affection.

They�re identical sisters. Don�t tell them, but I can�t even tell them apart. Shhh. Aren�t they adorable?

Sorry my entries have been brief and pathetic lately. Still coming down from post exam suicidal depression. You know how it is.

But, I�m cooking up some delicious entries. I actually have a fiction story I�d like to try writing. It came to me during one of my stress dreams last weekend. It�ll probably end up like pure crap, but now that I�ve told you I�m going to post it, I�ll feel obligated to do it, no matter what the degree of crapitude. Now, doesn't that sound enticing?

Now it's your turn... 3 comments so far:

kjizel -
I'm convinced that tests are the creation of Satan... if there is such a being. I'm sure you did okay though...
lostplatypus -
Sorry about your exam. I know cliches suck and all, but........this too, shall pass. Oh, yeah, and .......the best is yet to come!
desertwitch -
Tests do suck -- another deep thought from yours-truly. And Myra and Talula are most definitely the only kind of children I yearn for! If I ever get my own space again! Am so TOTALLY looking forward to being the crazy old "spinster" with the 25 cats!!!

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