d a q g D F design by sweet pea (irate shrimp)

2002-09-30 | 4:41 a.m.

Actuarial Poetry

Roses are red

Violets are blue

I know I�m kind of a geek

But you should�ve seen those people in the conference with me yesterday. Oh my god.

I�ll catch you up on it a little later. I�m rushing out the door for a 5am to 11am cram study session. At least now other people have started studying in the same office with me, including Slick. There�s another guy in there that makes more consequential noise as his body performs basic functions than anyone I�ve ever met. You should hear him breath, let alone drink. It�s as if his mind gets so engrossed in studying insurance annuities that his brain forgets how to draw air into his lungs and starts tripping over itself.

Every time he steps out, Slick and I run over to each other and make fun of him as fast as we can before he comes back in the room. You�d think we�d get more mature as we grow older. Instead, we find in the adult world that even the dorks have dorks to pick on.

Go figure.

Now it's your turn... 1 comments so far:

scanzilla -
Dear Lord! I nearly pissed myself when I saw that ugly person picture! Too funny! Oh wait, I did piss myself, nevermind.

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