
brandone -
It really is a shame that police don't enforce people for going too fucking slow. It really pisses me off when I pull up behind someone and they don't move. On the other hand, I make it a habit to move out of people's way. I say fight it all the way! Good luck. Bran
marisa -
aaaarrrrrgggghhhhhslowdriversmakemecraaaaaaaaaaaazy!!! As I read down your entry I got madder and madder and MADDER at that guy! Like no one else's time is precious but his own. He is clearly a maschochist and was totally getting off on your frustration. And some cops are nothing more than hall monitors with firearms and an overinflated sense of self-importance. Fight that bitch and win!
ken -
Fucking pigs. I've told you I'm from Mississippi right? Well, it is 2003 and the police station in this town STILL has a seperate room where they beat the crap out of people before they book them. Guess how they choose which people go into that room. They arrested an innocent mentally disabled african american man, put a lamp shade covered in foil on his head and called it a lie detector. They're not the worst. Have you heard about New Orleans? The river there has more corpses than catfish from the corrupt cops over the years. They will "disappear" you, and not flinch, for less than a hundred bucks. How do we protect ourselves from bad cops? Think about it. If that cop had arrested you, he could have done anything to you, taken/left you anywhere, and there wouldn't be anything to stop him. It's very frightening indeed. Pigs.
k9642042 -
You have it good..i got behind a manure spreader today on my way to work.
Melanie / Lostplatypus -
Oooooooooo that just burns my ASS!!! And not in the GOOD way, either. I have it on good authority that some ungodly percentage of policepeople have severe personality disorders which is why they have chosen the particular field they chose. Most have control issues at the very least. I wish I could help - I'm sorry you're having to go through all this. It's degrading, embarrassing and JUST PLAIN WRONG. Weenies.
Carla -
And I thought the Palm Springs PD had a monopoly on dipshits in uniforms. WOW. Just goes to show those who give all cops a pass in a kneejerk way are dead wrong. And I do know two decent cops -- in LA of all places, but this kneejerk assumption that we have to give them the benefit of the doubt JUST BECAUSE has got to go! This is exactly why the true asshole/psycho/inferiority-complexed fuckers in uniforms end up doing shit like this -- because they assume -- many times correctly -- that they will always be believed no matter how true and/or verifiable their victims' reports are. There I go on a roll again -- so gotta tell you baby, glad I kept clicking into your diary and hella happy to hear from you again!
Carla (again) -
--just stopping by to give you a big sloppy wet kiss ;* you funloving criminal!
Mother Shrimp -
I am very upset for you! How has this resolved itself...please keep us informed! This is particularly strange since SP and his mother had a very bizarre encounter with a police officer only a week before. He was in plane clothes in an unmarked car! SP just happened to weave in and out of traffic a couple times and suddenly this cop incognito started to talegate us and act very strange, which made SP naturally drive a bit more defensively. The cop then, after several miles, put on his siren and waved us over. He didn't give us a ticket though. He acted very mean at first, but SP handled him very well. I think too that the cop was afraid of how sweet and honest SP mother looked. She might be a credible witness to this cop's sneaking and bating behavior. So although the outcome was appropriate, unlike your's, it cetainly was a sly and provoking way for a cop to behave! I hope SP can straighten this out for you! Much Compassion. Mother Shrimp
Mother Shrimp -
Pease ignore the word "us" in the previous entry. I just got so involved with identifying with SP and his mother! OKAY?

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