
Chris -
That's a wonderful teacup.
Mangus -
I, for one, do not read "slow diaries" because I have a short attention span and get very easily distracted. And I would also like to point out that there are no "slow" men in the Man-Harem! Who knows what Mr. Faux is talking about, but you sir, are not slow. You write too well to be "slow" and that is the honest to goodness opinion of this Genuine-Homo. So there! (and my opinion counts more because I have a diary with pictures of me in t-shirts with my name on them...mmmmm barcode)
Mangus -
okay so my opinion counts more...but my typing skills are severely lacking. "...a diary with pictures of MEN in t-shirts with my name on them..." Right. If that was me in that picture, I'd probably be naked right now. God I'm babbling. Why do they make me wake up before noon???
kelly -
i like you better than him anyway. more importantly, you need to know this: your talent is not limited to light hearted humor. you are an amazing writer- who else could write about tax code and actuary tests and still keep up a healthy readership? your entries on day to day life give you authority, at least in my book. don't get discouraged- i still love you, and that's really all that matters, right?
wifemotherme -
It's almost funny to me that something from your list of readers would give you pause for thought. You missed the forest for the trees. Your a mathematician, Do the math man! For every entry you write you gain 1. (something or'nother) new readers. Check out the list of people who love reading you so much they went thru the trouble of adding you to their list of favorite direst. So maybe your a good mathematician but your a gifted writer.
RockyMtRangr -
I think you're getting away from what the true purpose of this diary is, and that's to write about what you're going through, thinking, seeing, doing, and wanting to do. Your writing is always among the most expressive on the 'net, and I've never gotten halfway through an entry and thought "God, does this ever end?" So in other words, keep writing for YOURSELF, not someone else. Keep up the great work, bud.
kinetix -
People send bitchy comments about my diary all the time. Don't let it get to you.
Adam aka Faux-homo -
You're worse then my mother with this guilt trip **YOU** bastard. Just kidding, I was just getting the message across that you dont write enough entries. I sensed a little passive aggression with that link to "bastard". Sorry dude I didnt mean to offend you at all. Mines not gushing with action either, as im sure many will point out now. Gee thx.
Patrick -
Oh my god people!! I didn't mean for you to hate the poor kid! He just said what I already knew to be true, that I don't write enough and haven't had nearly enough energy to put into this lately. Thanks for being defensive, but I meant "bastard" in the best possible way!
even -
It's not hate, it's just a matter of defending our Diaryland family. Your entries, however sporadic they may be at times, are definitely worth the wait. I don't want to start anything here, but...faux-homo? gayfraud? Anyway. Both of you have your diaryland niches, and I'm glad I found the one you fill. We just love you, that's all.
Faux-homo -
Now im on the fuckin war path. Gayfraud?? Interesting accusation. Im assuming this person has not read my diary and im fuckin pissed off by that comment. Coming from someone with the name "even" at that! Ironic name for someone writing with unfounded ignorance. These kiss ass flakes seem defending (when its not even neccessary). I think Patrick is able to defend himself.
even -
I don't want to participate in any wars, but I corrected him in his guestbook, if anyone's interested. I just hadn't told patrick how damn special he was lately. And he is. So there.
ken -
Alright, mathmetician, I have a question for you. Of the 30 billion dollars proposed to Turkey to allow 60,000 troops in, how many books for schools would that buy? How many air conditioners and other facility provisions at schools would that allow for? Teacher's salaries? Or, how many people would that keep from having to bleed in the waiting areas of emergency rooms and allow them instant treatment instead? I ask you this not to make a point, because I'd like to think you already understand these things. I ask you this because if these points were made statistics, they could be brought to the attention of the masses, and it might just make a difference.
Dianna -
You are THE man. Now let me go add you to my list of favorites. Oh, and by the way, write for yourself. The rest of us can just eavesdrop and be greatly entertained.

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