
RockyMtRangr -
Not fair...I just woke up, minus the violent dreamer who wants to cuddle! At least I have the cat that will bite me in the ear to let me know he wants to be fed, so I'm not exactly free of physical harm...
fireflea -
2 months ago I had this big plaster cast on my arm, and I jolted during the night and elbowed my boyfriend right in the face. I gave him a massive black eye. Sometimes, cuddling can be dangerous! =)
Heidi -
That entry was too wonderful for words.
Kateabuls -
just a note to say that you must allways remeber the family that cuddles you in good times is also the family that supports you in the bad their allways gonna be there
oh god -
ive been obsessed with that feeling your entry gives for the past few days before i just read it. now im hopeless lost in it...

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