
ken -
You're at it again storyteller. When we will get you on CD? Everytime I read you, I hear it. Then, from the voice I hear, do I draw my own mental images of the words. Somehow you've made that a mandatory step, amazing.
Eva -
Wow. What an incredible gift you have.
SaraNade -
So did little Timmy become Timothy McVeigh?
kelly -
you made me cry. your words are beautiful.
TheCritic -
Aww that brought back memories of how my bunny died... someone tried to break into my house, I guess the noise scared the poor dear and he apparently jumped and broke his back on the cage. :(
Val -
AHHHHH! you have no idea how mad that makes me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is so sick.
Random Reader -
That...was really've got talent man...I mean...a lot of talent...
ken -
So now I have a completely seperate question, bean counter. Is it worse to be an actuary or a lawyer? It's not a fair or kind question, but I love you, and am apologizing for it as I ask it, and you're the only person I can ask it of, as all the lawyers I know think an actuary is something that requires antibiotics.
Carla -
Stories like this one prompt me to wonder if evil is sometimes a genetic redisposition -- or some type of karmic relationship between those who happen to be blood relations on this dimension? I've come across my share of Timmies, and there creepy parents, and just makes me want an answer to this question sometimes. I feel for your sweet bunny. Take care love!

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