
wifemotherm -
Only you could take a story about being hit by a car and turn it into an Endearing Memory. And the funny thing is I bet your mother is STILL traumatized by the ordeal
dorkfysh -
That was so should send it to your mom.
ken -
Storyteller, the world is your audience. The world.
Ian -
My mother is still haunted by an incident that occurred many years ago and involved not me but my sister. We were at my grandparents' house and Liz and Mum had just come in from the backgarden.Mum couldn't understand a)why the backdoor wouldn't shut and b) why my sister was screaming wordlessly. As Mum leaned more heavily on the door she shouted at my sister to be quiet UNTIL it suddenly dawned on her WHY the two things were happening at the same time. Happily my sister is now, in her 30s, neither physically or mentally scarred. Although it can, in jest, be an incident with which Mum can be made to feel guilty. I must tell them about your car...
PoeticaL -
wow, my son and I shall never wash a car and I have a mighty fine excuse now
Paige -
I read a few of your entries and was absolutely enchanted. And yes, I think you would be the *perfect* companion for a wicked little vacation. :)

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