
desertwitch -
Dang. I was also stupid enough to list a certain diary on my favorites because of the dry humor and precise descriptions in the first couple of entries, then the next day went into his archives and found a nauseating little diatribe on my very own ethnicity. I felt very stupid for assuming that anyone who writes that well must also be human. It's a relief to know that even a sharp actuarial minde : ) like yours can make the same boo-boo! Much love!
mangus -
wahoo I got my name in your diary! How painfully cool am I?? Ya know, everytime you write about driving through NJ I'm always reminded of driving from Boston MA to MountainSaide NJ to visit my grandparents when I was little. My father is very much a Boston driver and I always throught that I was going to die as we zipped through the lanes of traffic in NJ. My very short life would flash before my eyes a few times in a row, just to make it seem longer and a bit more fulfilling. Ah sweet childhood memories
goodlovin -
i didn't add you to my list of reads just so you would add me, i added you becuase i like your diary. so don't feel bad or be in a rush to read me. i can assure you , however, that i am not a nazi sympathiser, racist, or any of the other things you mentioned. i will admit thast i cannot spell any better than dan quayle. sorry.

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